Peacham PickleBall Group is off to a running start in the Peacham Town Gym or at an outside location (TBD). Come join us to play or just watch and learn!

Sport Pickleball
Home city Peacham VT
Team members 42 (Player list)

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Contact Information

Contact person: HARRY VANN,, 802.473.0868

Team leader: Same as above

When do we play?  If you sign up at, you'll get email notifications of days/times scheduled to play. You can also check out this site for the official, approved reservations for pickleball at the Peacham Town Gym. As the weather improves, we may be playing outside at various locations (TBD) such as West Barnet basketball court, Danville School (certain late afternoons), the Peacham School (if and when a pickleball court gets painted  (This is the official Town Gym reserved calendar/time. We get bumped sometimes by the Town Gym scheduler.)  (This is our group proposed calendar for play dates, times, locations, who is available to play, and general information (the Wall).)